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GameBoy Camera Launch
In Germany
By Matthias

The GameBoy Camera and Printer Presentation will be held in over 400 locations in Germany. Matthias was at one that started this weekend, and here is his report:

"When I first read about it at the Nintendo of Europe Homepage, I was really curious about this presentation and told myself I had to be there. All the more since it was going to be just 25 km from my home."

camera displayGot up excitedly today and drove to the store where it was.When I entered the video game-section in that store, the first thing I saw was a "big-size" GB with camera, that had a tv set in it, on screen was a funny advertising and explanation of the functions of the camera. (So, there was a vcr inside ;^)

You also couldn't overlook the man (Mr. Petrich) who did this presentation. He was wearing a "GB camera" T-shirt and cap and he had this "thing" at his belly, where he could fix the printer to the GB. If people were interested, he makes photos of them and explains to them how easy operating the camera is.

camera mancamera mancamera man

keychainThese people who showed interest also participated in a kind of raffle (but the prizes that can be won are a secret 8^) and in any case they each get a "see-through" key-chain where they can put a sticker picture from the GB printer inside. (e.g. from their best friend...)

camera displayUp to now there is no link cable for the GB pocket available in Europe (at least not from Nintendo). The GB printer has the same ports as the GB pocket, so they just included a link cable in each printer-package, that has one ending for the "small" port (for the printer) and at the other ending a "small" and a "big" plug.

sticker display
Mr. Petrich says that about 100 people / day are interested in the camera and printer and they all get their pictures from him during the presentation.

camera displayWhen I asked whether the camera has "color-codes" for the upcoming GB color he said, that as far as he knows there are no color-codes in this version, but probably there will be a new version with a color-camera, but you still won't be able to print the pictures with different colors (only gray, just as now). Maybe there will be a new color printer too.

camera displayThe price for the paper is cheap in my opinion. When I saw the price for the paper my first thought was that it is expensive, because I thought only one roll of paper is included in the package, but unlike in Japan there are 3 rolls of paper in every package 8^)

The camera itself was very similar to the Japanese version I own, but they replaced many of the Japanese signs with new pictures not included in the Japanese version (pictures of Mario, Luigi and so on..).

Hey! But all Otakus shouldn't be concerned, there are still some Japanese signs included in this "international" version.
